Well, once again, I am far behind in updating the website (though by reading the blogs of many of the rest of you, I am not the only one who doesn't keep up as regularly as intended!). The good news is, I have lots of photos to update from the last month or so. We have had lots going on!! We have had lots of visitors in the last month. Aunt Laura came twice, Grandma and Grandpa came to visit too. We spent all day at the mall...some of us shopping, others of us playing:

Conor loves water so the fountain was very exciting. Grandpa and Laura taught him how to throw pennies in!

He was a handful so it's a good thing there were a handful of us to take turns chasing him. Grandpa took him on a little photo shoot, trying on different sunglasses and hats!

Are we done yet??

He got to ride in the fire truck and train.

Check out that cheesy grin. You think this kid's having fun!??!

And then Grandpa helped Conor play in the fountain (notice how Grandpa is always involved in things that might get Conor into trouble someday!)

Even though it was practically a zoo, we let Conor play in the kids playland area for a while. His new favorite thing is slides, so he was so excited to find a slide there too.