Here he is posing in honor of Mommy's alma mater! Look at that great big grin...Go Elon!

And so proudly showing off the new "lion jammies" we bought last weekend (see previous post)...wish they made him more excited to sleep!

Saturday we went to a community pool and water park near our friends' house. Conor and Madelyn had a great time. By the end of the afternoon, Conor was jumping in the deep end. First, he wanted to just sit on the edge and slide off into my arms. Then he wanted to stand up and step off into my arms. Before I knew it he was pushing me away and taking a few steps sideways so he could "jump in" without me there to catch him. I am proud of how brave and adventurous he was, but man...we are going to have to keep our eyes on this kid! fear!

On Sunday, we went to the local parade for Geneva's "Swedish Days". Conor was so excited about the horses, the fire trucks, and waving the flag!! I think the drummers were his favorite part of the bands. He had a blast!

Afterwards, to cool off, we went over to Conor's godparents'--Kip and Janice's--to swim in their pool. I'm not even sure how long we were in there...more than two hours, I think, but we still had to pull Conor out kicking and screaming when it was time to go. I think he might be part fish! (takes after his mommy???)

We also got to talk to Daddy again today. He spent the weekend in Belfast and also got to watch a Gaelic Football game. He is having a great time, but we're pretty sure he misses us as much as we miss him! Love you Daddy!!!
Have a great week everybody!