Conor says such funny things these days, I wish I could remember them all. Here are a few of the latest:
Mommy: Conor, tell Daddy "Hasta la vista, Daddy-o"
Conor: Hasta la vista, Daddy-o (or something like that)
Daddy: Hasta la vista, Conor-o
Conor: I'm not Conor-o, I'm Conor Patrick Maguire-o!
When I cut up his meatball at dinner tonight to let it cool down quicker, he said "Mommy, I don't want it cut. Can you put it back together?"
Conor: "My tummy is hungry Mommy"
Mommy: "It is?"
Conor: "Yes, it is, and my belly is hungry too"
He is constantly asking "Why?" and a common response to a question these days is "I sure do".
Stay posted for more exciting "conorisms"
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Could it be??
Four times in the last week or so, Conor has gone "pee pee in the potty" before bed. We will see if this will become a trend or is just a phase. I'm trying not to get too excited about it, because we've been warned that he'll regress when the baby comes, can always hope right!??!
Stay posted in the next few weeks for pictures and details when the new baby arrives.
The due date is April 9, but in Conor's world, the baby is coming "after the Easter Bunny." Though we plan to be surprised, he is sure that it is a baby sister, and has been convinced of that from day 1. However, he currently plans to name it "Baby Einstein".
I need some help coming up with ideas for a new name for the blog, some of the choices I've tried involving Maguire or Irish Blessings are already taken...any ideas??!?
The due date is April 9, but in Conor's world, the baby is coming "after the Easter Bunny." Though we plan to be surprised, he is sure that it is a baby sister, and has been convinced of that from day 1. However, he currently plans to name it "Baby Einstein".
I need some help coming up with ideas for a new name for the blog, some of the choices I've tried involving Maguire or Irish Blessings are already taken...any ideas??!?
Bedtime Fun

Conor is at such a fun age right now, but a little trying too. I thought we had his bedtime problems resolved, but he has regressed a little. He is better about staying in his bed--or at least getting out and right back in. He likes to get up on the big double bed in his room (which also serves as our guest room now) and take all four of those pillows plus the throw pillow to put on his little toddler bed. I have to admit that once he's asleep, it's pretty funny to see him curled up among a mountain of 6 pillows!! BUT, until he falls asleep, he will kick his wall or talk and sing at the top of his lungs for an hour or two...sometimes even if he has done the same thing for so long in the afternoon that he doesn't get a nap!! I don't know where this kid gets his energy!!

He really is a very happy kid overall, I love to see him smile and hear him laugh. Sometimes when he doesn't something funny, I will just start laughing at him and keep laughing to hear him laugh back at me!! He is starting to be more and more aware of sarcasm and silliness and will use those tactics as often as he can!

Climbing on the bed is another way to avoid getting INTO bed!

He loves to read before bedtime. His current favorites are a series about American symbols, including the American flag, the Liberty Bell, the Statue of Liberty, and the Pledge of Allegiance. He has even learned to say the Pledge of Alleigance on his own, and it is part of our bedtime routine now along with our prayers!!
One time several months ago, I told him at dinner time that he had to take 2 more bites because he was two years old. Well, that has come back to bite me ever since, because now he always wants 2 of everything because "I'm 2 years old mom". So that means: 2 books before bed, 2 songs once the lights are out, 2 cookies for dessert, 2 blankets, 2 get the picture!
Happy St. Patrick's Day!!
Despite cold, rainy, gloomy weather, we spent Saturday in Chicago for our traditional annual St. Patrick's Day celebration. We took the train downtown. At first, Conor was real scared, sitting on our laps, making sure we were holding on to him tight. It didn't take too long before he was climbing all over the seats, looking out the windows and finding the snacks that we brought. He was also excited to have his own train ticket from the conductor, or "con-doctor" as he called it. We made it in time to see the parade though there were so many people already there that we didn't have a great view. Conor sat on our shoulders most of the time, so he could see more than either of us. He really seemed enthralled and excited to see the next subject of the parade. The bands seemed to be his favorite part, though he also enjoyed seeing the Irish dancers, the horses, and some of the better decorated floats. He was good about waving back at the princesses and politicians who passed us by. We walked back through Millenium Park where we made a much-needed bathroom stop (I can't believe I held it that long!!) and Adam played photographer, before heading up Michigan Avenue to see the green Chicago River. There was a cute little sculpture on the riverbank as if someone had spilled a McDonalds Shamrock Shake into the river...very creative. Conor was tired and fussy by then, so he fell asleep in the stroller on our way back to the train station.

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