Friday, April 16, 2010

Kids Say the Darnedest Things--Part II

Mommy: Conor, do you want to go see the Easter Bunny?
Conor: I'll see my own Easter Bunny when my Baby Einstein comes.
[We have been telling him the baby, who he has named Baby Einstein, will be coming after the Easter Bunny comes.]

Anybody: Are you having a baby brother or a baby sister?
Conor: A baby sister
Anybody: What if it's a baby brother?
Conor: No, it's a sister.

tattoo = tattoon

pancakes = pancanks

fettucine alfredo = fettucine o'radio (one of my favorite "misspeaks" of his)

therapy = throwupy
hula hoop = hoopaloop or hulapoop

Thursday, April 15, 2010

More photos

We just had a photo shoot at the hospital and you can see more pictures of Riley by going to the following website to view the slideshow:
Click on View Photos
password: 0414rileymaguire

Enjoy!!! Adam and Conor were not here for the photo shoot so they didn't make it into any of the pics, but Riley did great and looked beautiful.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

She is here!

My baby sister has arrived.
Riley Claire Maguire was born this morning at 9:15. She was lighter than me, but came in at a decent 8 lbs. 12 oz. She was also shorter, but was close at 19.5 inches long. She is beautiful, and here is her first photo.
Here is me holding Riley for the first time. I am going to be a great big brother. I am already the overprotective big brother. I yelled at a nurse. She came into the room and told us that she was going to take Riley, and I said "No, you can't." She then said that she was just going to give Riley a bath and bring her back. I replied, "No you will give her germs. You have to wash your hands first." That nurse knows who the boss is. Riley has nothing to worry about with me around.
Here is Riley with Mom. She looks great and did a fantastic job giving birth. We are all so proud of her.

Here is Riley and Dad. Dad didn't have to give birth, but he did have the distinct pleasure of changing her first poopy diaper. Ha ha, good job Riley!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter everybody!! We hope you have all had a wonderful day celebrating with friends and family. I felt like a bad mom because we skipped our town Easter egg hunt yesterday because it was cool and rainy and muddy. Then we didn't even dye eggs because we ran out of time (I know, bad excuse). But we made up for it by heading to the mall to see the Easter Bunny last night and we had an egg hunt and home and then again at Conor's godparents house today and he made out like a bandit!! This kid is SPOILED!! He looked so handsome in his Easter outfit, but we failed to get a family picture of us all dressed up together. So here's the closest you're gonna get...Mommy and Daddy in regular clothes, making goofy poses with Conor.

Visiting the Easter Bunny...because we chose not to buy the expensive packages they offered at the mall, we only got to take 3 pics of our own. This is the one that turned out the best. Not too bad, I guess.

This was a couple weeks ago (pre-much-needed-haircut) when he was in his room playing with one of his most favorite things: his movies!!

No baby news yet. The official due date is coming up this Friday, April 9. As of my appointment last week, I was dilated 2-3 cm and 50% effaced. We have another appointment tomorrow. We have been telling Conor the baby is coming after Easter, so I'm sure he'll be asking in the morning if the baby is coming yet. Any day now....stay posted for updates and photos when the big day arrives.