Good Morning! Happy Easter! Rejoice for Jesus is risen!! We are blessed in so many ways and the biggest way is that our Lord and Savior died on a cross to bear our sins and has risen from the dead so that we may have new life in Him.
It is easy to get caught up in pretty dresses and bows, handsome vests and slacks, baskets, eggs and candy, but we are so thankful for a God who loves us and made the ultimate sacrifice for us. We strive every day to impart that on our children in both daily living by words and example and through more pointed teachings. We pray that they grow up with a solid faith, built on a strong foundation. And in the wisdom of a child's understanding, I realized that at least some of what we have talked about is getting through to Conor. The following conversation took place the week of Easter...
Conor: Mom, are all the bad guys that killed Jesus back in jail?
Mom: Yes, Conor, they are. (a very simplistic answer)
Conor: Thank goodness. Now he doesn't have to be killed anymore.
What a perfect opportunity to again discuss that, not only are the bad guys gone, but Jesus rose from the dead and won't ever have to die again.
Nonetheless, you can't put that faith and foundation into pictures, so here are some pictures of the pretty dresses and bows, handsome vests and slacks, baskets, eggs and candy.

Not wanting his picture taken but looking handsome anyway.