Well, we've been quite busy with new activities and outings lately. We've found out how much Conor loves dogs, he just lights up and squeals whenever he sees one. He has no fear for doggie kisses either...and Daddy thinks those are great reasons for us to get one. (I'm still holding out though, at least until we have a real yard.) He is constantly on the move, never sits still...and now that he can stand and crawl and cruise along the furniture, we know that walking isn't far behind. And he is definitely the life of any party. He will not miss a beat...and CERTAINLY will not fall asleep if it means he might miss out on something. So he was out pretty late at his first wedding last weekend. We had a wonderful Mother's Day...never realized what a truly special day it was for mom's until it was MY day too!! (Thanks Mom!!) Conor had his last day of daycare before summer vacation last week too. Here are some pics of our latest adventures:
. Enjoy!

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