Here he is wearing the outfit Great Grandma Stout made him from scraps in her sewing basket. Isn't she talented? Thanks Great Grandma!

At his birthday party, checking out his new Bible book from Kip and Janice, his godparents.

And the computer from Jon, Julie, Gunner and Peyton. He loves to push the buttons. Future computer nerd?!?

The bucket of blocks is a hit...he loves to put things in and take them out. Just wait until he figures out the shapes and colors too!

I have never seen him so excited about a stuffed animal as he was about the cat from our neighbors John and Cindy. He carried it with him everywhere for the first five minutes and hugs it tighter than anything else. They have been joking about getting him a cat since they saw how much he loved theirs. Luckily, this one doesn't need a litter box!

The sprinkler from Andy and Leah is great fun in the summer heat! Even the cold water didn't stop Conor from playing!

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