Well, Conor just had his 15 month check up at the pediatrician today and he has had an incredible growth spurt over the last 3 months. He is now 32.5 inches (back up in the 90th percentile) and 26 pounds (back up in the 75th percentile). He is so much fun now. He is always moving and always getting into trouble. He just loves to dance and listen to music. He figured out how to open the "childproof" cabinets....of course, the one with the garbage and the cleaning supplies. He figured out how to open the pantry door and is working very hard on regular doorknobs now too.
When he opened the pantry door he got a hold of some paper towel rolls and stuck his arms down them, now that is a favorite game of his. We affectionately call him...Paper Towel Man.
He knows several body parts...he knows the words and can point to them. He is very good at pointing to his belly button!! :)
Daddy is still trying to convince Conor that there is no choice but to be an Eagles fan. Conor just likes to wear Daddy's hats!!
He has a vocabulary of about 5-10 words and solidly knows at least 5 words in sign language. Not that I'm bragging, but he is one smart cookie. We are now bracing for winter, which is quickly approaching. I don't think we're ready for it yet. Conor still really loves to play outside. In his big winter coat, he looks like the kid from "A Christmas Story" though...the one who can't put his arms down...that doesn't stop OUR son though...he is quite determined. We'll have to get some pics of that eventually too!
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