My two favorite guys!!
Yesterday, we started swimming lessons. Conor was all excited about going, we tried on his swim trunks the night before and talked about it as soon as he woke up and all during breakfast. He couldn't wait to get his coat on and get in the car. When we got to the pool, he couldn't wait to get undressed and wanted to get in the water right away. I thought he would love it since he loves bathtime and has always loved the pool on our family vacations. However, once we got in, he was very clingy to mommy and wouldn't even let daddy help him most of the time. He was not afraid of the water and it was very warm in there, so I guess it was just all the new people and the new place. And maybe the fact that we were trying to follow the structure of the lesson, and not let him do it "Conor's way"!! He is very much an independent soul these days and is getting very good at throwing tantrums...I guess it's the beginning of those dreaded terrible twos.
Jumping in

We have been practicing our Easter Egg Hunt around the house. Conor loves it when I hide a little fruit snack in each individual egg...makes for a fun way to have a snack, and several minutes of entertainment. Stay tuned next week for pictures from our town's Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny. We plan to go unless it is super cold and snowy--like today!!
We have been practicing our Easter Egg Hunt around the house. Conor loves it when I hide a little fruit snack in each individual egg...makes for a fun way to have a snack, and several minutes of entertainment. Stay tuned next week for pictures from our town's Egg Hunt with the Easter Bunny. We plan to go unless it is super cold and snowy--like today!!
Love the new pics! I was wondering if you were doing swimming lessons or just decided to go swimming!
Miss you guys lots!
We love Dinosaur Roar here too!! In fact, now Caleb reads it to us each night! He does pretty good- except at the end when he likes to say, "Lots of Dinosaurs like to eat food" which of course does not rhyme with gobble, gobble, nibble, nibble, munch, munch, scrunch! Oh well! :)
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