Conor is starting to enjoy having his picture taken, but is into this cheesy grin that he thinks is what we mean when we say "smile" or "say cheese". It's pretty funny. To get the best smile out of him, we just have to get him to laugh.

Either that, or he acts all tough and stubborn.

Our little man!

Starting to look more like a boy than a toddler...

Conor started a weekly soccer "class" in September that he and Adam do together on Friday mornings. They mostly play games and do fun things to teach the basic principles of soccer, but essentially they are just there to move around and have fun. They play with the big parachute we all loved in elementary school gym class, they use bubbles and balloons, do "headers" and "toe touches". I love it when he demonstrates things to me when I get home :) He even got his own little uniform.
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