Our biggest struggle these days seems to be getting him to take a nap on the 3 days a week he stays home (Fri, Sat, Sun). He will sleep at daycare most of the time...and we do all we can to wear him out in the mornings at home, but he has figured out that if he keeps talking or singing and moving (even though he will usually stay in bed, he will roll around and kick the wall), he can prevent himself from falling asleep. We try rocking him, sleeping with him, leaving him alone, sticking to a routine and a schedule, but this is still a work in progress. Any ideas would be great appreciated!!
If he doesn't get a nap, he doesn't always even fall asleep early. Then in the mornings, he gets tired and crabby like this. And on this particular day, apparently cold...he wanted to have his hat on for breakfast!! Don't ask me :)
Hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving!! Can you believe it's already here??
1 comment:
Cute pictures! I can't believe how big he is getting! Hey - just a suggestion - we were having trouble with Miles sleeping during the day, and we put up black-out curtains in his room. It worked wonders! He also sleeps with a fan on in his room to block out noise. I don't know if this helps at all, but helped us.
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