Sunday, January 3, 2010


Since the first or second year we were married, Adam and I have made a tradition of heading down to Lincoln Park Zoo in Chicago every December for the holiday Zoolights display. Conor was old enough this year to really enjoy the lights, the holiday music, the animals, and even the crafts. And fortunately, it didn't seem as cold as it was. In fact, I may have even OVER-bundled us up, if you can say that in 20-degree temperatures in Chicago! :)

Conor enjoyed coloring the Christmas-themed magnets.
He got to make a marshmallow snowman treat.
And was very proud to show it off.

And even more excited to taste it.
Daddy and Conor next to the gorilla statue (Daddy's favorite).
Mommy and Conor's turn.

Conor letting out some energy in one of the oversized termite hills.

Daddy and Conor with the hippos. Conor sang "I want a hippopotamus for Christmas" while he sat on the statue and watched the sleeping hippos.

Mommy and Conor enjoying the festivities.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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