The weather was a little cool and rainy during the week we were there, which was actually ok for the kids at this age. We didn't feel bad when we had to go back for naptime or couldn't go to the mega waterparks that make the Dells famous.
We spent some time at an arcade. Conor loved to put in the tokens and try to play a variety of games. I thought this deer hunting game would make Uncle Andy proud.

Eating at Buffalo Phil's.
The things we do to get our kids to do something:

Conor finally put the hat on himself and actually smiled nice!

Eating at Paul Bunyan's.

Riding the infamous Wisconsin Ducks, vehicles that drive on both land and water. I hadn't ridden these since I was a kid and forgot how cool they were and how beautiful the scenery was. Conor loved it and as soon as we got off, asked if we could go again.
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