Saturday, July 24, 2010

Don't Worry, Mom...and Dad's Melons

Last week, we had my annual company picnic at the local minor league baseball game. When I took a bite of my cookie, it was crunchier than I expected and some large crumbs fell to the ground. Conor was right next to me and said, "Don't worry Mom. The bugs will eat it."

A few days ago, Adam did some grocery shopping and came home with some fruit. He had some on the counter waiting to be cut up and Conor walked by and said, "Dad, what are those?" Adam replied, "A cantaloupe, a watermelon, and a honeydew melon." So Conor asked, "Dad, can I touch your melons?"

Oh yeah...and it's official. Conor is POTTY-TRAINED!! We learned that it is definitely a process and there is not necessarily one day where you say, ok this is it. You can only look back and say, well, as of such and such a day, I think we've accomplished this milestone. It is so great to only have one kid in diapers! We have now had at least a month of wearing big-kid underpants and Conor is proud to be such a big boy.

Riley's latest milestones involve rolling over both directions and smiling, giggling, and cooing...some of the sweetest sounds to a parent's ears! She is truly a very happy and carefree baby, such a relief compared to Conor's colicky early months. Hopefully she will remain this easygoing and joyful!

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