So last week when I was ready to update with all the newly uploaded photos, our power went out for the entire evening. Then I spent the weekend in MN and the last few days catching up from the whirlwind weekend, so here we by day I will try to update the last several weeks in photos...
The last weekend in August, we traveled to Minnesota for our annual Labor Day weekend festivities (a week early due to some scheduling conflicts) -- a celebration of Conor's birthday with family, the MN State Fair, Adam's fantasy football draft, and introducing Riley to a few more extended family members --
Conor had special birthday cupcakes

And he loves to blow out the candles (forgive the pantsless wonder, we had to squeeze this improptu "party" between changing into pajamas since we tried to fit so much into the weekend)

One of his presents was a new camping/outdoor chair

He also got some Toy Story gummy candy

I just love his smile in this one. He was showing off the stylish mohawk after his bath. And this is his favorite toy to play with whenever we are at Grandma and Grandpa's--a Wiggles' guitar.
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