Sunday, November 14, 2010

Riley's Latest......

Riley is doing great eating "real food". This week we started some little finger foods, these yummy little puffs that are awesome starters because they melt in her mouth if she can't figure out how to chew them...however, that also means they melt in her hands, under her chin, and they get real soggy on her pants when they fall out of her mouth!
Sporting her warmer clothes to take a ride...
In addition to crawling...
...she has now mastered sitting...
...and she has even learned to pull herself up to standing. It won't be long before she is cruising and she will definitely be walking before she is a year old!

All dressed up for church.

1 comment:

Leah said...

Wow! Can't believe how fast she's growing and how much she changes every time we see her.

Can't wait to see you guys next week and hopefully you'll get to meet Baby B!!!!!! :-) Keep those fingers crossed!