Both kids playing on their computers...

We received an ad in the mail for a Disney credit card and when Conor saw the Disney logo and different characters pictured as possible card options he got excited, so I let him look at the paper. There was a pretend paper credit card and he wanted to keep it to play pretend with it.

Later in the day, we mentioned to him that Barney Live was coming to NIU (if you don't know how much Conor loves Barney, refer back to his Christmas wish list). He was so excited and said that he definitely wanted to go. So in a effort to teach him about rewards and consequences, we told him that if he was on his best behavior, and was respectful, and listened, and obeyed, and, well, you get the idea....that we would buy him tickets. Without pausing for a moment, he said, "That's ok mom. I can just buy them with my credit card!!" This kid doesn't miss a beat.

Riley is still crawling and cruising everywhere. She is starting to stand on her own for a few seconds, but once she realizes it, she promptly sits her bottom down. She has no interest in walking on her own yet.
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