We went to the local farmstand to get our pumpkins and we got a great deal. Pumpkins were cheaper than at any local store, PLUS they were 1/2 off!! So we ended up with 4 pumpkins for only $5--what a steal! Plus we got some good photos too.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Playing in the Leaves
One of the nice things about living in a townhouse is that we don't have to mow the lawn, shovel the snow, or rake the leaves. But because the yard service is so efficient, we only have a short window each week to play in the leaves before they are raking up or caught by the leaf-blowers. Conor has been extra excited about going outside these days. I tried to show the kids how fun it was to make a pile of leaves (by kicking and carrying them into a pile since we don't even own a rake) and jump or lay in them. Just as fun as I remembered from when I was a kid!
Food funnies
When it is time for Riley to try a new kind of food, I usually let Conor choose the next fruit or vegetable so he can be involved. (He wants to help spoon-feed her too, but I have to draw the line somewhere--it's messy enough as it is!) In order to try to expose her to all kind of foods so she is not as picky of an eater as her mother, we bought every kind of stage 1 food they make--including prunes. Despite my own hesitation (besides them being a funny color and a funny taste, baby poop is runny enough the way it is), Adam thought we should give them a try. So a few days ago, when it was time for Conor to pick the next food, he chose "the brown one, what's that one called, Mommy?"
Mommy: "Prunes"
Conor: "Can we give Riley some crooms?"
Conor: "Can we give Riley some crooms?"
Mommy: "Prunes, with a P!"
Conor: "Can we give Riley some prooms?"
Mommy: "Prunes...prunes"
Conor: "Can we give Riley some prooms?"
Mommy: "Prunes...with an Nnnnn"
Mommy: "Prunes...with an Nnnnn"
Conor, who gave up trying to pronounce it correctly: "Can we give Riley some of those?"
We went to the grocery store yesterday and when we passed the yogurt aisle, Conor wanted to make sure we could bring some home. He wanted to make sure I got his favorite...the green one. I told him it was called Key Lime Pie, but when we got home he was so excited to be able to have his new Pea Line Pie yogurt!!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Will we ever get a good picture?
Friday, October 29, 2010
Home Entertainment System
Electronics stores and TV commercials advertise state-of-the-art Home Entertainment Systems, but we have the best one right here and he's only 3 years old.
I try to write down as many things as I can here in the blog as a way to remember them for years down the road as well as to share how much laughter and amazement we experience around here daily...
- More funny pronunciations: strewdriver (screwdriver), banilla (vanilla), shtew (stew)
- Adam and I do not really swear, but will occasionally let slip an "oh crap." It still surprises us, though, when Conor blurts out, "oh cracks!"
- I was telling him something was for grownups (I don't remember if it was a TV show, or toothpaste, or whatever), but he said, "But Mom, I'm a little grown up."
- One day he was particularly trying my patience and I told him, "You're driving me crazy." He responded in turn, "Well, you're driving me crazy."
- He is not really taking naps much anymore, but he has to have a quiet time in his room everyday after lunch where he must stay in his bed and look at books quietly. He often makes a point to say he doesn't want to take a nap, but has also been using the excuse "but I'm tired" if he doesn't want to do something. I don't think he realizes what a contradiction this is. One day he even went to the point of changing into his pull-up and pajamas during quiet time because he was tired and so he didn't want to take a nap. Anyone want to help me decipher that logic?
- He asked me if he could hold Riley one day, pointing out that he had already used the Santa Soap. It took me a moment to figure out he meant the hand sanitizer soap, like they taught him to use to wash his hands before holding the baby in his big brother class.
- Last week, he must have been having bad dreams. He woke up several times at night and after the third time of me going into his room to help get him to calm down and go back to sleep, I finally just let him come in bed with us and he slept between Adam and I. He kept talking about the spiders and asked me if I could put the gate up or close the door so the spiders couldn't get in. When he finally fell back asleep, he woke up not long after screaming again. But this time he kept talking about the bees coming to get him. We got him to calm down, and told him to snuggle with Daddy and that Daddy would protect him. As Conor nuzzled into Adam's shoulder/armpit, he quickly rolled over and said, "Daddy, you're stinky!"
- One day we happened to be driving past my obstetrician's office where he and Adam accompanied me to almost every prenatal visit. He said, "Mom, when we're done at the festival today, can we go there and get another baby?" As if that weren't shocking enough, I wanted to see where else this was going so I said, "You want another baby?" He said, "Yeah, I think another baby sister." I said, "You don't want a baby brother next time?" He said, "No, I think that would be too scary." I said, "You're scared of boys?" He said, "No, just baby boys. I think I just want a sister."
- Conor saw a pen and was looking for something to write on. I couldn't find his usual notepad, so I grabbed piece of junk mail from the counter and let him start scribbling on the back of the envelope. When he finished, he said that he had written a letter to one of his little girlfriends, Madelyn. He told me exactly what he had "written": Madelyn, this is for you. I love you and can you please come to my house? And DEAR Madelyn, I love you. Then he turned the envelope over and noticed the GEICO logo (which I know he must just recognize, maybe from TV ads?, because I know he can't actually read the words yet and I didn't tell him) and out of nowhere he kind of mumbles a few times: Geico, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. This kid is like a sponge!!
- Tonight, I was modeling a little Halloween headband that has jack-o-lantern antenna type decorations sticking out the top of it. Conor thought it looked like a bunny. I started to talk to him about something, but he stopped me and said, "Hey, bunnies don't talk like that. They just hop around the woods all day. And they don't talk to Conors."
- Our pediatrician's name is Dr. Dovidio. When we were in to see him a few months ago, we ran into one of Conor's old daycare teachers. So when we got home I told Conor to tell Daddy who we saw at the doctor's office. Rather than naming his teacher, or correctly naming the doctor, he immediately answered, "Dr. Picture"!
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Our other bundle of joy
Don't want to leave Conor out. Here are some pictures of him taken this month. He is so much into being independent and is constantly making us laugh!
He LOVES apples. He will eat them any way he can...applesauce, apple fries dipped in caramel, apple donuts, apple slices...but his favorite way is to eat it whole by taking one bite at a time, in no particular pattern, just randomly around the apple. This apple was so big he needed a little help!
He made his own binoculars to use during the NIU homecoming football game!

During the game, he had to go potty a couple times. Once when I took him, it turned out he had to go #2. After several minutes, I wanted to get back to see the game, so I asked him if he was almost done. When he said no, I asked him how much longer he thought it would be and he said 10 minutes!!! Thankfully, his idea of 10 minutes passed faster than 10 minutes on the game clock!
On the way home, he was tired but never likes to admit that he needs a nap. When it got real quiet in the backseat, I turned around to see this.
He still loves movies and music.
And he loves to be outside and do anything that can get him running around.
He LOVES apples. He will eat them any way he can...applesauce, apple fries dipped in caramel, apple donuts, apple slices...but his favorite way is to eat it whole by taking one bite at a time, in no particular pattern, just randomly around the apple. This apple was so big he needed a little help!
On the way home, he was tired but never likes to admit that he needs a nap. When it got real quiet in the backseat, I turned around to see this.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
One half year
Hard to believe that Riley turned six months old this month!!! We are so blessed. I've written it before and will say it again: She is such a smiley happy baby and is such a joy. She is the perfect fit for our family. Here is what she is up to at 6 months...
Length: 26.5 inches
Weight: 16 pounds 12.8 ounces
Teeth: 2 front bottom teeth
Eats: rice cereal and stage 1 baby food. She chows down the cereal. So far, she hates peas (might have been a little mean for us to start her on that one, but I let Conor pick and that's what was at the front of the pantry). She likes sweet potatoes, squash, pears, and peaches. She's pretty good about trying new things, usually makes funny faces the first couple bites then digs right in.
Sleep: Generally goes to bed around 7 or 8pm and sleeps until anywhere between 5 and 7am. Definitely prefers sleeping on her belly. She occasionally wakes up around 4, but will go back to sleep if I put her pacifier in and rub her back for a minute or two. Usually takes about 3 naps a day of 45-90 minutes.
Activity: as of this past weekend, we consider her to be officially crawling. She will often crawl a short distance, then prop herself into a seated position, and go back and forth between the two over and over again. She still spends her days at home with Daddy and big brother Conor.
Likes: studying her brother, being outside especially if there is a little breeze, playing in her exersaucer, watching sports on TV, putting everything in her mouth, listening to books, being on the move.
Here is a great shot of her first two teeth!! They came in within days of each other without much fussing or apparent discomfort.
They say making a mess is part of learning how to eat...so I guess she is a quick learner!

Showing off her big blue eyes
Demonstrating her mobility...sitting up and belly crawling before she had it fully figured out on all fours

Length: 26.5 inches
Weight: 16 pounds 12.8 ounces
Teeth: 2 front bottom teeth
Eats: rice cereal and stage 1 baby food. She chows down the cereal. So far, she hates peas (might have been a little mean for us to start her on that one, but I let Conor pick and that's what was at the front of the pantry). She likes sweet potatoes, squash, pears, and peaches. She's pretty good about trying new things, usually makes funny faces the first couple bites then digs right in.
Sleep: Generally goes to bed around 7 or 8pm and sleeps until anywhere between 5 and 7am. Definitely prefers sleeping on her belly. She occasionally wakes up around 4, but will go back to sleep if I put her pacifier in and rub her back for a minute or two. Usually takes about 3 naps a day of 45-90 minutes.
Activity: as of this past weekend, we consider her to be officially crawling. She will often crawl a short distance, then prop herself into a seated position, and go back and forth between the two over and over again. She still spends her days at home with Daddy and big brother Conor.
Likes: studying her brother, being outside especially if there is a little breeze, playing in her exersaucer, watching sports on TV, putting everything in her mouth, listening to books, being on the move.
Here is a great shot of her first two teeth!! They came in within days of each other without much fussing or apparent discomfort.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Cardiologist and Chopsticks
Riley had her 6-month-old checkup at the cardiologist. In case you missed the previous post in June, when the pediatrician heard a murmur, she was sent for an echocardiogram at 2 months old. Some of the blood flow velocity was at the upper level of normal as it exited the heart into the aorta, so we had to get a repeat echo at 6 months old. She was a champ as she underwent the EKG and echo despite it being dinner and naptime. She stayed still and did not fuss when the cold stickers and cold ultrasound gel went on, or when the EKG stickers got pulled off. Good news...Everything came back normal, and although she still has the murmur, she will most likely grow out of it (Conor had one and grew out of it by age 3) and we do not need any further follow up.
The appointment was at 5pm and a bit of a drive from home to see a pediatric cardiologist, so we stopped to have dinner on the way home. Conor and Adam both love Chinese food, so we stopped at Panda Express for a quick meal. Conor was so excited as he was preparing to eat his chow mein the same way Daddy does, so he said, "Chopsticks, Here we come...!!!" and he actually did a great job eating with them, much better than I have ever been able to use chopsticks!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
It's My Job
Conor has been a little difficult and standoffish towards Adam lately. He has not been listening well and has been starting to talk back. He always wants Mommy to put him to bed, or get him his dinner, or snuggle with him or read to him. Although I am convinced that it is because I am not home as much, Adam has been both a little hurt and a little frustrated by this since he spends so much time with him during the day and Conor seems to neither appreciate it nor mind Adam's direction and discipline at times.
I am on call this weekend so I was gone all morning, then Adam was out at the NIU football game all afternoon and evening. I will be gone again tomorrow morning while Adam gets the kids and himself ready for church, so tonight as I was getting Conor ready for bed, I tried to talk to him about love and respect and being kind and appreciative to Daddy, and how hard Daddy works to take such good care of him. We talked about it for a while and I asked Conor if he could try to be nice to Daddy and love him and not be naughty. He told me, "I can't do that, Mom." I asked him why and he said very emphatically, "It's my job." I asked, "What's your job?" "To be naughty, Mom," he answered oh so seriously. After stifling a giggle, I told him he had many jobs but that was not one of them. He asked what other jobs he had and we talked about picking up his toys and books, throwing out the recycling (his first chore!), helping take care of Riley when asked, and being a good brother and son. He seemed satisfied with that answer, but we'll have to see if the conversation about respect and listening actually sank in :)
I am on call this weekend so I was gone all morning, then Adam was out at the NIU football game all afternoon and evening. I will be gone again tomorrow morning while Adam gets the kids and himself ready for church, so tonight as I was getting Conor ready for bed, I tried to talk to him about love and respect and being kind and appreciative to Daddy, and how hard Daddy works to take such good care of him. We talked about it for a while and I asked Conor if he could try to be nice to Daddy and love him and not be naughty. He told me, "I can't do that, Mom." I asked him why and he said very emphatically, "It's my job." I asked, "What's your job?" "To be naughty, Mom," he answered oh so seriously. After stifling a giggle, I told him he had many jobs but that was not one of them. He asked what other jobs he had and we talked about picking up his toys and books, throwing out the recycling (his first chore!), helping take care of Riley when asked, and being a good brother and son. He seemed satisfied with that answer, but we'll have to see if the conversation about respect and listening actually sank in :)
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Big milestones!
Riley isn't officially crawling, but she is still quite mobile. She figured out how to get up on her hands and knees a couple weeks ago. Then she will lunge forward to her belly, get back up on all fours, and lunge again. She can get pretty far that way.
Sometimes she will even get up onto her hands and feet like a bear-crawl. Won't be long before she is easily crawling everywhere!
She is also getting better and better at sitting up on her own. And as of October 1, we have also felt her first tooth!!! It is one of the bottom ones, and this is much earlier than Conor starting showing teeth!! Funny how each kid grows and develops in his or her own unique way!
Go Eagles
Last weekend, the Vikings had a bye, so we were all in full Eagles gear all day (didn't have to change halfway through the day, like we do on some Sundays!) Conor and Riley didn't mind wearing their Eagles clothes, but preferred to watch Sesame Street in the other room instead of the game. Isn't it cute how he has his arm around her shoulder?
The weather has definitely turned chilly, but we wanted the windows open for a while, so we tried on this silly Eagles hat to keep Riley warm. She is such a happy baby...probably doesn't care how goofy the hat looks :)
A few weeks ago, we started feeding Riley rice cereal. She really loves it and is slowly getting better at actually keeping it in her mouth, but it's a learning process...

Go Eagles!!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
So funny...
Conor has been doing and saying more and more funny things lately. Let's see if I can remember them all. I try to write them down so I won't forget but here are some of the latest and best:
Conor wanted to help set the table for dinner one night. He found the plastic silverware and napkins in the pantry, but it took me a while to convince him to use real plates and cups. You can tell exactly where each person is supposed to sit, right?? :)
*We had some marshmallows in the cupboard and Conor wanted a couple for dessert. He used to call them smarshmallows, but has grown out of this. However, when I asked him what he liked so much about them he said, "They're just so marsh-y!"
*One night we were just sitting having a nice dinner and Conor says out of nowhere, "Mom, what kind of skin do you have?" Thinking he was remembering some of his school/daycare lessons about different ethnicities and skin color, I asked for clarification, "What do you mean, Conor?" He paused for a moment as if he wasn't sure he should go on, then he repeated himself, "What kind of skin do you have........clear or sexy?!" Ha! That got me and Adam laughing. Not sure how to answer and assuming he saw some TV commercial about skin cleanser or moisturizer that stuck in his head, I said, "I don't know, Conor. Oily, I guess. What kind of skin do you have?" This time, without hesitation and in all seriousness, he answered, "Well, I have sexy skin!!"
*We were reading some books about historical figures in the U.S. including presidents, so we asked him the current president. (During the election in 2008, when he was only 1, he was able to recognize and identify Obama, but since it had been a while, we had to refresh his memory). When he tried to repeat the name, on his first try, he said "The-Rock Who-bama"! He fully corrected himself on the second try.
*A few times a year, I go to a local high school football game to cover as "team doctor". This year, for the first time, I decided to bring Conor with me to a game to sit on the sidelines. He could have cared less about the football, but sure enjoyed sitting on the trainer's cart, pretending to drive. He also enjoyed watching the band and the Bulldog mascot (and asked me why he looked so mad) as well as the cheerleaders. He asked me why the cheerleaders weren't wearing any pants, because it was cold outside. I said they were being silly and he started to yell loudly at them, "Girls, put some pants on. Stop being silly, girls, and put some pants on!" When one player injured his shoulder, Conor asked me why I went to go talk to that boy. I said he hurt his shoulder and Conor said, "Which shoulder, his right or his left?"
*Other cute but incorrect pronunciations:
thernombeter (thermometer)
renember (remember)
basagna (lasagna)
bumping boats (bumper boats--when viewing previous post about the MN State Fair)
Conor wanted to help set the table for dinner one night. He found the plastic silverware and napkins in the pantry, but it took me a while to convince him to use real plates and cups. You can tell exactly where each person is supposed to sit, right?? :)
*One night we were just sitting having a nice dinner and Conor says out of nowhere, "Mom, what kind of skin do you have?" Thinking he was remembering some of his school/daycare lessons about different ethnicities and skin color, I asked for clarification, "What do you mean, Conor?" He paused for a moment as if he wasn't sure he should go on, then he repeated himself, "What kind of skin do you have........clear or sexy?!" Ha! That got me and Adam laughing. Not sure how to answer and assuming he saw some TV commercial about skin cleanser or moisturizer that stuck in his head, I said, "I don't know, Conor. Oily, I guess. What kind of skin do you have?" This time, without hesitation and in all seriousness, he answered, "Well, I have sexy skin!!"
*We were reading some books about historical figures in the U.S. including presidents, so we asked him the current president. (During the election in 2008, when he was only 1, he was able to recognize and identify Obama, but since it had been a while, we had to refresh his memory). When he tried to repeat the name, on his first try, he said "The-Rock Who-bama"! He fully corrected himself on the second try.
*A few times a year, I go to a local high school football game to cover as "team doctor". This year, for the first time, I decided to bring Conor with me to a game to sit on the sidelines. He could have cared less about the football, but sure enjoyed sitting on the trainer's cart, pretending to drive. He also enjoyed watching the band and the Bulldog mascot (and asked me why he looked so mad) as well as the cheerleaders. He asked me why the cheerleaders weren't wearing any pants, because it was cold outside. I said they were being silly and he started to yell loudly at them, "Girls, put some pants on. Stop being silly, girls, and put some pants on!" When one player injured his shoulder, Conor asked me why I went to go talk to that boy. I said he hurt his shoulder and Conor said, "Which shoulder, his right or his left?"
*Other cute but incorrect pronunciations:
thernombeter (thermometer)
renember (remember)
basagna (lasagna)
bumping boats (bumper boats--when viewing previous post about the MN State Fair)
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Quick Trip to Minnesota
The kids and I made a quick weekend trip to Minnesota over September 24-26. Adam was unable to make it so I was a little nervous about taking both kids on the long drive by myself but they did awesome!! Conor watched movies or slept the entire time, we stopped to pee on the side of the road once because we were too far from the next exit for him to hold it, but other than that he was great. I fed Riley right before we left each time. She stayed awake to play for a little, then slept the whole rest of the way (I made sure to drive in the evenings when it is usually sleep time for her).
The Northern Illinois University Huskies played the University of Minnesota Gophers at their new stadium (only a year old), and my sister and brother-in-law have season tickets so given Adam's recent NIU-alumni status, they invited me along. It was a pretty good game and the Huskies even won, but I have to admit, it is a little lonely being the ONLY around you standing and cheering for a big play for your team--I kept thinking I made a mistake or saw the play wrong or something. But the stadium is awesome and we had great weather!
Final score:
Sisters tailgating beforehand:
Then on Sunday, we had my sister Leah's baby shower. She is expecting a daughter in November. It was nice to see all my cousins and aunts and a few of my parents' neighbors, but it was quite overwhelming to have so many people in one little room for a few short hours!
Conor wanted to play piano for entertainment
Riley was testing out the cute new quilt one of my aunts made for Leah's baby
Grandma, Leah and Riley
Conor checking out the cake
Congratulations Leah!! We can't wait to meet the newest cousin!!
The Northern Illinois University Huskies played the University of Minnesota Gophers at their new stadium (only a year old), and my sister and brother-in-law have season tickets so given Adam's recent NIU-alumni status, they invited me along. It was a pretty good game and the Huskies even won, but I have to admit, it is a little lonely being the ONLY around you standing and cheering for a big play for your team--I kept thinking I made a mistake or saw the play wrong or something. But the stadium is awesome and we had great weather!
Final score:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Go Huskies!!!
Riley made it to her first Northern Illinois University Huskies football game this year. We left Conor with a babysitter, but brought Riley along since she would be less distracting and it would be easier for feeding and such. This was our first game attending since Adam's graduation so we were able to sit on the alumni side of the stadium, which provides for a different experience. We got to see a good game that remained tight until the final seconds, but the Huskies came out on top. Riley did great, she even fell asleep for a while, and only got startled by the cheers once or twice.

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