The kids and I made a quick weekend trip to Minnesota over September 24-26. Adam was unable to make it so I was a little nervous about taking both kids on the long drive by myself but they did awesome!! Conor watched movies or slept the entire time, we stopped to pee on the side of the road once because we were too far from the next exit for him to hold it, but other than that he was great. I fed Riley right before we left each time. She stayed awake to play for a little, then slept the whole rest of the way (I made sure to drive in the evenings when it is usually sleep time for her).
The Northern Illinois University Huskies played the University of Minnesota Gophers at their new stadium (only a year old), and my sister and brother-in-law have season tickets so given Adam's recent NIU-alumni status, they invited me along. It was a pretty good game and the Huskies even won, but I have to admit, it is a little lonely being the ONLY around you standing and cheering for a big play for your team--I kept thinking I made a mistake or saw the play wrong or something. But the stadium is awesome and we had great weather!
Final score:

Sisters tailgating beforehand:

Then on Sunday, we had my sister Leah's baby shower. She is expecting a daughter in November. It was nice to see all my cousins and aunts and a few of my parents' neighbors, but it was quite overwhelming to have so many people in one little room for a few short hours!

Conor wanted to play piano for entertainment

Riley was testing out the cute new quilt one of my aunts made for Leah's baby

Grandma, Leah and Riley

Conor checking out the cake

Congratulations Leah!! We can't wait to meet the newest cousin!!
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