Don't want to leave Conor out. Here are some pictures of him taken this month. He is so much into being independent and is constantly making us laugh!
He LOVES apples. He will eat them any way he can...applesauce, apple fries dipped in caramel, apple donuts, apple slices...but his favorite way is to eat it whole by taking one bite at a time, in no particular pattern, just randomly around the apple. This apple was so big he needed a little help!

He made his own binoculars to use during the NIU homecoming football game!

During the game, he had to go potty a couple times. Once when I took him, it turned out he had to go #2. After several minutes, I wanted to get back to see the game, so I asked him if he was almost done. When he said no, I asked him how much longer he thought it would be and he said 10 minutes!!! Thankfully, his idea of 10 minutes passed faster than 10 minutes on the game clock!
On the way home, he was tired but never likes to admit that he needs a nap. When it got real quiet in the backseat, I turned around to see this.

He still loves movies and music.

And he loves to be outside and do anything that can get him running around.
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