Our first few weeks in Minnesota were somehow both exhausting and relaxing, stressful and calm, productive and lazy. Adam had a whole week before starting work and I ended up taking two weeks. We did some unpacking and organizing, including cleaning out the crawlspace under my parents' stairs to make room for our stuff so we won't have to rent a storage unit--it was fun to reminisce about some of the old things they kept...from our childhoods and theirs! We also toured several daycares, found a bank, and spent hours playing outside in the yard (yeah...a YARD!!) and the neighborhood park.
Breakfast the first morning in our new home

Sleeping in his sleeping bag on top of the bed. He never sleeps in one place two nights in a row. It may be at the head of his bed, or turned around with his head at the foot of the bed, maybe on his floor, and once and a while on my floor. I've even woke up to find him at the foot of my bed without even knowing how or when he got there. Sometimes under the covers, sometimes on top of them, sometimes with extra blankets, sometimes with none at all, sometimes in the sleeping bag. The worst is when it is several of these situations within the first hour after we put him in his room!

Future businesswoman--multitasking on the phone and writing a memo

Concentrating on writing Grandma's birthday card

Enjoying the nice weather by reading books outside and having a picnic. Can't beat that!

Always reading and become even closer and closer siblings...they both adore each other.

Grandma and Conor like to play Angry Birds. Here Conor is showing his Angry Birds face, since I am interrupting his game to take his picture. He is also supporting the Elon Phoenix on a football Saturday.

Most weeks require Adam resorting to watching the NIU Huskies game on the computer since they are not always on TV here. Riley loves to listen along.

We found an old record player while cleaning out the crawlspace. Conor LOVED going through the records and listening to the stories and songs. It was funny how he kept calling it a re-CORD player (like we pronounce the verb) because he has never heard it any other way.

Conor has really loved spending time with the cats, especially Rusty, who spends more of his time resting around where we are usually hanging out. Early on, Conor was even very helpful with feeding them. Unfortunately, the novelty of that has worn off pretty quickly.

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