The end of October found Riley very sick. I suppose all those new germs from her new friends got to her. I got called home from work because she had a fever (luckily, my boss was extremely understanding despite it being only my third week of work and the first week I had privileges to assist in the OR and I got called out on a surgery afternoon). And luckily, my dad had the next day off work already so she was able to stay home with him. She was extremely sleepy and clingy so we just kept an eye on her that day, but when we started to notice her wheezing and working really hard to breathe and the fever wasn't going down with meds, I took her to urgent care, because of course, it was Friday night. She ended up on steroids, antibiotics and nebulizer treatments. We had to a make a second trip to urgent care on Saturday to make sure her oxygen saturation increased from the 92% it had been (it did go up). So by Monday night the 31st, she was feeling better but not great.
We managed to still have a great Halloween, the first time we were able to be with extended family for Halloween. It worked out great. After work/school, we came home for some Jack-o-Lantern pizza. Andy, Leah and Carmen came over to join us. Then we headed out to Eden Prairie Mall where they had indoor trick-or-treating. We just made a loop around the mall and most of the stores had someone at the door to pass out treats. They even had a band. Conor and Carmen had a blast, but Riley was really tired and worn out. She mostly wanted to ride in the stroller, didn't want to say trick or treat, and wouldn't let us take her pacifier. However, if you tried to take her candy bucket, she pulled back and sternly said no.
We came home and stopped by a few of the neighbors we know, then headed in for bed. Trick or treating here occurs more in the evening as opposed to the afternoon like it was in Illinois.

Captain America and Piglet

The little monkey

Three cousins

Showing off their loot the next day

Still feeling a little tired, but loving the candy
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