Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Things that make us smile...or downright laugh

Conor: Why are red and green the Christmas colors?
Me: I have no idea.
Conor: Maybe they were Jesus' favorite colors.

Latest Riley-isms...
go froo it..............................go through it (when "reading" Going on a Bear Hunt)
pasketti................................spaghetti (a childhood classic)

After a conversation where Conor misheard and repeated back incorrectly what Adam had said...
Adam: That's not what I said.
Conor: Yes it is, maybe you just didn't hear yourself.

Starting the day after Thanksgiving, the Elf on the Shelf visited again this year. Last year he was named Johnny, but this year the kids wanted to rename him....but they couldn't agree on a name. Since we had just watched the movie Elf, Conor chose the name Buddy. And, because....well, I don't know why...Riley wanted to name him Tortilla!

There is a song in Madagascar 3 that goes "Afro Circus, Afro Circus, polka dot, polka dot , polka dot, Afro" to a circus theme song, but Riley sings: "acker circus, acker circus, coco-dot, coco-dot, coco-dot, acker".

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