Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Conor's 4th Birthday Party
The next weekend, we had a small birthday party gathering for Conor at one of his favorite places: Kip and Janice's pool. He had a wonderful time and it was so nice to have another chance to hang out with our friends on a perfect summer day.

With his birthday friend, Elizabeth, who is exactly one year and five days younger.
Fancy homemade birthday cupcake...good job Daddy!
A popular gift was this combination sleeping bag and teddy bear pillow, which he has named Beary Bear Lazy Bear.
Loving his new bean bag too!
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
It's official
I guess I haven't posted much about this because it has been a long, ongoing process and is a bit bittersweet, but it is official. Adam has accepted a job at Federated Insurance in the Twin Cities so we are moving to MN. The same week Adam and I went to North Carolina, we put our house on the rental market (with the real estate situation these days, selling our townhouse is just not realistic). Although this picture shows the kids watching a storm outside, it just seemed so touching.
Monday, August 29, 2011
North Carolina, Part III: Fort Bragg
The final leg of our journey was to head southeast to Adam's "alma mater", so to say, Fort Bragg. We traveled an hour and a half on the small two-lane road Adam and I had each traveled many many times back and forth. We were able to connect with a few old friends, including our goddaughters Annabelle and Abigayle.
We drove on post and saw the fancy new brick barracks had replaced the old World War II era barracks Adam used to live in. Even some of the streets had changed or were gone altogether.
We stopped by the 82nd Airborne Division Museum, a place we had gone for a date at least once many years ago. Things were a little different this time, in that it had been updated to included information about the war on terror. And sadly, there was a new memorial built, which included names of soldiers that we knew, including a close friend of Adam's. You will never be forgotten, Travis.

Mary Ellen was one of my dear friends from college, responsible for introducing me to Adam. She is living in Fayetteville now.
Jamie, the other half responsible for Adam and I meeting, is still stationed at Fort Bragg, now as a member of Special Forces. We were able to meet him for a quick lunch before we headed back home. Thanks for your service Jamie.
The ride home was not without more adventure. After we lost our way a little due to a new roadway that wasn't showing up on our GPS, I got pulled over for speeding in West Virginia. Luckily, I did not get a ticket. Adam says it's because I'm a girl, I'm convinced that it's because he noticed the Sour Patch Kids on the backseat and he said he is a big fan too. Then when we were starting to feel like we were in the homestretch, driving down the freeway in Indiana at 1:30am, we got a flat tire. Adam changed it quickly, but since we had to drive a little slower on the spare, we didn't get home until 4am. Thanks mom, for staying and extra day so we could get a little rest.
North Carolina, Part II: Elon
We left the mountains to travel to my old alma mater, good old Elon University. A lot has changed in nine years, there has been a ton of growth and development but the heart of the campus was exactly the same. It was not hard to remember why I fell in love with this place and found it so easy to call it home (well, after that first terribly homesick semester). There are several new buildings, new fountains, one of my old dorms has been knocked down in exchange for a newer fancier set of buildings, and the security guards now drive segways. But it really is a beautiful campus. I was able to see a few old professors, my mentor and advisor, and the secretary I worked with for 3 years for my on-campus job. Such good memories from this place!!

We were also able to have dinner and spend the night with a family that has grown very special to us since I babysat Luc when he was just one year old. He was the ring bearer in our wedding. He has since had a younger brother Will and we had a wonderful time getting to reconnect with them. Thanks for your hospitality!!
North Carolina, Part I: Blue Ridge Parkway
Friday afternoon, after Conor's birthday lunch, Adam and I set out on the road for North Carolina. We drove about 9 hours and stopped at a hotel, then drove 3 more hours in the morning. We drove around Asheville for the afternoon with our friend Mike and his friend Daniel. Then we headed off for the evening wedding. What a pretty setting...outside with the mountains in the background! Can you believe that I actually forgot to bring my camera to the wedding? I was so mad at myself. However, I was able to try to "steal" some pics from Facebook pages of other friends at the wedding. We were able to catch up with many friends I hadn't seen since graduating from college! Good times. Congrats to Allan and Rebecca and thanks for inviting us. 
On Sunday, we met up with a few friends for brunch. Then, Adam and Mike and Daniel and I headed up the Blue Ridge Parkway for a nice Sunday drive. We stopped off at Mt. Mitchell, the highest peak east of the Mississippi River, and did a little hiking and sightseeing. Adam and I hiked a little beyond the others and as it was getting late and dark we picked up the pace. What the sign said we should be able to make in 1 hr, we did in 26 minutes...and I'm not training for a marathon like Adam!! When we finished, we met back up with the others for dinner at a restaurant partway up the mountains, and watched clouds float by the floor-to-ceiling windows while we ate good old Southern food...barbecued pork, cornbread, sweet tea, and fried okra, among other things.

You can really see why they're called the Blue Ridge Mountains!!

Saturday, August 27, 2011
Just To Make You Laugh
Whenever Conor says something cute or funny, I try to grab a piece of scrap paper or--my dad's favorite ;) --a post-it note to write it down, then I put the random papers in a pile, which usually ends up buried somewhere until one of my late-night clean and purge sessions when I find the pile and update the blog with a whole stack of Conor stories! I hope my notes are good enough to help me remember, some of these are quite old (like months ago). It's about that time again...
We were listening to a new nursery rhyme CD in the car and I wasn't paying much attention to it, but was aware enough to know it was "Jack and Jill". I didn't think much of it since the kids were listening and dancing in their car seats quietly. But once the song was over Conor said "I hope Jack doesn't have to go to the hospital!" I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "You know, because he got hurt when he fell down."
Grandpa was joking around about wearing Conor's shoes one day and Conor turned to the rest of us and said, "If Grandpa was a little kid, he could wear them, but he's a big kid." (I wonder if he knows how true that really is.) :)
Adam has been doing a great job of getting himself back into shape and is trying to teach Conor the importance of exercise and healthy choices. So one day they were doing a short kids exercise video on TV and Adam said, "Thanks for working out with me," to which Conor responded, "It was no problem."
We were making a snack with celery one evening and Conor wasn't so sure about it. He has disliked it in the past, but this time we tried it with peanut butter. That must be the trick to get him to eat it because he announced: "I can't even smell the taste of it!"
One day we were talking about Adam's previous life and job in the military and Conor said, "Was I born when you were in the Army?" Adam said, "No sir." So Conor figured, "It was a very long time ago then?"
I was messing with Conor, plugging his nose and making honking sounds and he said, "Stop it. That makes me unsmell stuff."
I couldn't figure out what song he wanted me to sing before bed one night when he adamantly and repeatedly requested "This Is My Light". I had never sung anything called that before, so I had to rack my brain of my lullaby repertoire and realized he wanted me to sing "This Little Light of Mine."
While watching baseball one day, Conor informed me that "they usually wear baseball gloves so they don't have to wash their hands when they get dirty."
I was playing with the kids when Riley came up to me and I said "Hi Sweet Pea."
Conor repeated "Hi Sweet Pea."
Me: "Hey, that's what I call her. What should your nickname be?"
Conor: "Sweetie Dee."
Me: "Ok, hi, Sweetie Dee. What are you doing?"
Conor: "Don't call me my nickname right now."
Conor: "Don't call me my nickname right now."
We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and the meatballs were so big that we cut them into smaller pieces on Conor's plate but the sizes were a bit uneven. He had a medium sized one and two smaller ones and I commented how that could be like a Mommy meatball and a Conor meatball and a Riley meatball. Conor giggled, so I asked him, "But where's the Daddy meatball?"
He answered, "I don't know. I guess he's gotta go to work."
He answered, "I don't know. I guess he's gotta go to work."
Some of our favorite mispronunciations:
exercise = extercise
remember = renember
spectacular = spintacular
Hope you got a few laughs. Bed time for me now. I will finish cleaning up the rest of those piles tomorrow.
Found One More Scrap
Playing around in the pool, somehow the following conversation came up:
Question: Conor, who taught you how to do belly flops?
Question: Conor, who taught you how to do belly flops?
Answer: I just knowed how ... (pause) ...with help from God. (pause) He taught me ... (pause)... when I was still in your heart.
Me: Conor, you have a cute tush (don't know how to spell that)...and your daddy does too.
Conor: (within earshot of Adam) Yeah, but he has big buns.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Conor's Birthday
Adam and I had a road trip planned to North Carolina for a wedding and knew we would have to leave on the 12th (Conor's actual birthday) in order to make it on time, so I took off the day before and we spent the day celebrating Conor. So on the 11th, we went to the Dupage Children's Museum and had a blast (see next post for pics). We got home in time to meet Grandma (who had arrived to spend the week here with the kids while Adam and I were in NC). Then we headed out to dinner at Red Robin where Conor could get unlimited french fries, a balloon, and a free ice cream sundae. He was so surprised and excited when they came out to sing to him.

Then on Friday morning, he chose french toast for his birthday breakfast. Grandma started to make it and I thought I would be all creative and cut it like a 4, but Conor was so disappointed that it wasn't like the kind he got at school. Guess he would have been happy with the sticks from the freezer section. Thanks anyway, Grandma!
Next he got to open presents....lots of good stuff, but the big ticket item was a new Transformers bike.
They had made him a crown at school earlier in the week and he wore it all the house and running errands! Thanks Ms. Gail.

Conor has been asking for weeks if he could have his birthday lunch at the McDonald's we did! Then he came home for his dessert...he wanted brownies with frosting instead of cake this year...yummy!
Dear Conor,
Happy 4th Birthday Little Man!!! What an amazing adventure the past four years have been. You are a very special little guy. You have helped teach--and test--your daddy and me about what it means to be a parent. You have paved the road for your younger sister, helping us figure out what works and letting us make mistakes. You are very intelligent. You can read extremely well since you started to learn at the beginning of this summer. You can write your letters very well and are very good at sounding out words to spell on your own. You have such a kind, gentle, sweet heart and are so thoughtful and considerate of others, most especially Riley and your closest friends. You are well-mannered and respectful. You make us laugh daily with the things you say and do. You are often shy at first, but easily make friends. Your preschool/daycare teachers love you and constantly tell me how they wish they could clone you and have a "class full of Conors". You are very strong-willed and at a stage where you are trying to establish your own independence. This is both rewarding and challenging for your parents. You have always been the kind of kid who doesn't want to miss out on things. This makes bedtime difficult. You don't really take naps anymore, but are slowly getting more cooperative with your quiet time and bed time...most of the time. You love technology--computers and computer games, cell phones (you often want to call people "just to see what they're up to"), and you still have a passion for movies and music. Your favorite sport seems to be baseball. You love to swim. You sometimes like to take a shower on your own rather than take a bath. You favorite food is macaroni and cheese.
You are so much a little boy and not a toddler anymore. A birthday for a little boy is so bittersweet for this mom. I am so happy that you are healthy and joyful and growing, but I don't want to say good-bye to the sweet moments and stages we are experiencing now. This is why they tell you to "cherish every day because those kids grow up so fast". I love you and will do my best to continue to treasure the past, enjoy the now, and look forward to the future. I only hope and pray that we can be the best parents we can be and all that you deserve. Please remember to keep God at the center of your life always and to remember that family is the best foundation you can find. I promise to work my hardest to give you roots to grow and wings to fly. Love you buddy!
You are so much a little boy and not a toddler anymore. A birthday for a little boy is so bittersweet for this mom. I am so happy that you are healthy and joyful and growing, but I don't want to say good-bye to the sweet moments and stages we are experiencing now. This is why they tell you to "cherish every day because those kids grow up so fast". I love you and will do my best to continue to treasure the past, enjoy the now, and look forward to the future. I only hope and pray that we can be the best parents we can be and all that you deserve. Please remember to keep God at the center of your life always and to remember that family is the best foundation you can find. I promise to work my hardest to give you roots to grow and wings to fly. Love you buddy!
Children's Museum for Conor's Birthday
Both kids had lots of fun at the Children's Museum...and were wiped out enough to fall asleep in the car on the way home (I did too).
Conor trying the long jump
Playing in a boat
Super excited about the wind tunnel
Building something in the construction area
Mommy's attempts at cool photography

Happy 4th Birthday Conor!!
Rough Bedtime
I knew Conor woke up earlier than usual today and he is always a little more tired after a daycare day, but I guess we let him stay up a little too late tonight based on the following events:
After we had brushed his teeth, he decided he wanted to brush them some more, but I knew he was nearing meltdown time and he needed to get to bed, so I told him he had brushed enough. I tried to negotiate a little, but he was in no mood for compromising. After aruging intertwined with a full-out screaming, yelling, crying, jumping, hopping, flopping-on-the-bed tantrum (Conor, not me), I told him we were not going to talk about brushing his teeth anymore, he has lost his chance for the night.
Conor: But, Mom, I'm not done talking to you about brushing my teeth. I still have some more things to tell you.
Mom: Conor, we are done talking about it. You can brush them again in the morning.
Conor: But, Mom, if you don't let me brush them tonight, I am never ever going to brush them again.
Mom: Fine then Conor. If you don't brush them ever again, I don't care. Your teeth will rot and fall out and you won't have any more teeth.
Conor: Well, you can just buy me some.
Mom: Nope, I am not going to buy them for you. It is your choice.
Conor: Ok, Mom. You don't have to buy them for me. But you can at least drive me there.
After we had brushed his teeth, he decided he wanted to brush them some more, but I knew he was nearing meltdown time and he needed to get to bed, so I told him he had brushed enough. I tried to negotiate a little, but he was in no mood for compromising. After aruging intertwined with a full-out screaming, yelling, crying, jumping, hopping, flopping-on-the-bed tantrum (Conor, not me), I told him we were not going to talk about brushing his teeth anymore, he has lost his chance for the night.
Conor: But, Mom, I'm not done talking to you about brushing my teeth. I still have some more things to tell you.
Mom: Conor, we are done talking about it. You can brush them again in the morning.
Conor: But, Mom, if you don't let me brush them tonight, I am never ever going to brush them again.
Mom: Fine then Conor. If you don't brush them ever again, I don't care. Your teeth will rot and fall out and you won't have any more teeth.
Conor: Well, you can just buy me some.
Mom: Nope, I am not going to buy them for you. It is your choice.
Conor: Ok, Mom. You don't have to buy them for me. But you can at least drive me there.
Summertime faces
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Lake Geneva
We rounded out the weekend by renting a pontoon boat with the Torio's and Clark's at Lake Geneva in Wisconsin. I think we had enough "gear" to support a mini-army, but it was fun to bring the kids on the boat and jump in the lake. We spent some time afterward at the beach playing in the sand and water (and Riley finally took a nap, as you'll see below).
Riley was really tired and a bit moody, but was easily amused by playing with a glass bottle...does that make me a bad mom??

We hope these kids will be friends for life!!...they will if we have any say in it :)
Stick out your tongues!!
Finally asleep. When she finally let us lay her down in this makeshift shade, her right foot rolled onto the hot sand, so she found a way to keep it cool without waking up.
Owen hanging with the dads
Slept right through the ice cream stop on the way home
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