Friday, August 19, 2011

Independence Day

For the 4th of July, we went to a local town's small carnival and parade, complete with kiddie rides and car show. It was SUPER hot, but lots of fun.
Riley got to ride along in the stroller, we didn't really try her on any of the rides this time. She was content and happy.
Happy Independence Day. Adam got a little creative with his photography, this was one of my favorites.
Watching the parade.
After a nap at home, we headed back to a park to get a good seat for the fireworks. Conor helped push Riley in the stroller...
Then gave her the sweetest hug!
We remembered to bring ear plugs for Conor this year. Riley still didn't seem to mind the noise. They were both impressed by the bright lights and pretty colors.
It has been a tradition for many years now for everyone in my parents' neighborhood to meet in the cul-de-sac for a second fireworks show, driveways lined with lawnchairs. Someone always has a bigger and better one each year.

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