Saturday, February 9, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

Hope you and your family are surrounded by as much love as the Maguires are feeling this Valentine's Day. Conor will be 6 months old next week. We can't believe how time flies. He smiles and laughs and is such a great joy! He is rolling over both directions constantly...gotta keep an eye on him a little closer now. He is almost able to sit up by himself...if only for a few seconds at a time, and only when he wants to. He will begin eating solid foods next week...good thing because he LOVES to eat and Mom can barely keep up. Most nights he is sleeping "through the night"...for us, defined as 7 or 8 hours, sometimes interrupted by varying lengths of crying after which he puts himself back to sleep, and one very early morning feeding, followed by a couple more hours' sleep. (Can't complain, better than the rough patch we went through in December and January.)

As you may have noticed, this website has not been updated in quite some time. We had filled up the allotted memory and finally realized we should make room by removing some of the old photos in order to make room for the new ones. Enjoy!!