Thursday, April 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Riley!

I know I am well overdue on blogging...have you come to expect anything less? Nonetheless, I had to put up a post to wish our sweet baby a very happy 1st birthday.

Dear Riley, it is so hard to believe a whole year has gone by. Although the time has passed faster than we could have imagined, it is somehow still hard to remember what life was like without you here. You bring us all such joy with your smiles and laughter. We are enjoying watching you learn and explore; from taking steps alone to drinking out of a sippy cup to investigating your own reflection in a mirror, each day you seem to figure out something new. You still like to be held when you are feeling fussy, but you are getting much better at feeding yourself and falling asleep on your own. You still hate your carseat and pull barrettes, bows and headbands out of your hair as soon as you realize they are there. You have a strong and determined personality and you know what you want. You really love to eat...but only when it is on your terms. You adore Conor and he adores you, and I mean that in every sense of the word. You both play together so well and have sweet, tender moments where you just want to be together or hug or talk to each other. He can make you laugh just by being there. I love that you have that relationship and pray that it stays that strong forever. You are certainly Daddy's little girl and will always have a special tug on his heartstrings, especially with the extra time he has gotten to spend with you over the last year. There are many people in this world who love you deeply and care for you very much. There are so many things I pray and dream for you. I so want to give you roots to hold on to and wings to fly. I am so proud of you and look forward to seeing what God has in store for your future. We are so happy God chose you as the perfect addition to bless our family. Happy 1st birthday, here's to wishing many many many more happy birthdays. Love, Mom