Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Happy Father's Day

Conor is learning all kinds of new "tricks". Sometimes we feel like he is a circus animal because we are always trying to get him to "perform" for us. We actually caught "so big" on camera! He is now standing and climbing up the stairs on his own. He has figured out "high 5" and waves hello and goodbye! Oh yeah, and a third tooth has popped through (a top one now, something new).

Conor's first father's day weekend was...in a word...exhausting.
It started with a trip to Rockford on Saturday to meet Laura and Mom (who was visiting Laura in Madison). We spent the afternoon having lunch, then walking around the mall. Naturally Grandma spoiled Conor with some cherry slushee and a new pair of shorts. In the meantime, Daddy got to have a little break and spent some time golfing with friends.

Then on Sunday, we spent the day at the White Sox game. Despite rain all week and threats of scattered thunderstorms, the rain held off during the game. The Sox lost but we had a great time. The seats were awesome and Conor even got a game-hit ball.

We sat in the front row beneath the left field foul pole, just next to the White Sox bullpen. We made conversation throughout the game with the season ticketholders next to us, so when a ground-rule double bounced into left field then into the bullpen, our "neighbors" spoke to one of the pitchers in the bullpen, telling him it was Conor's first game and asking if he could have the ball...so next thing we know, Conor has an official game ball...see how he carefully holds it with 2 hands!! :)

I promise, I only wear the White Sox jersey if they are not playing the Twins. I don't get to watch many Twins games here, so I need a local team to cheer for (I know they are rivals, but hey, what can I say?)

We went to dinner after the game. Conor sure does love his daddy...who takes such good care of him.

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