Sunday, January 3, 2010

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

This is the first in a series of posts that are long overdue for the month of December. I will make no promises or New Year's resolutions to be better about blogging in 2010. I know better than that. But enjoy these pictures of our holiday happy moments...and best wishes to you and yours in the New Year.

Conor was very shy with Santa this year. He talked the whole way there about what he was going to ask for for Christmas (including a new puppy, not sure where that came from!). But as soon as he landed on Santa's lap, it was as if a switch was flipped. He was not scared, and did not cry, but simply sat looking straight ahead and answered yes or no to Santa's questions, briefly turning to catch of glimpse of the big man. Once Santa handed Conor his candy cane and we were on our way out the door, the switch was flipped back on and Conor started talking nonstop again! Go figure.

Conor and Daddy are always doing something active and entertaining with whatever they can find around the house! Riding in the laundry baskets or empty boxes is one of Conor's favorite activities.

We did our own little Christmas before heading out for MN for the extended week. First, we had Conor pose in front of the tree. What a ham!

Daddy and Conor posing their new Eagles gear!
Mommy and Conor posing their new Vikings gear!

We spent the entire week of Christmas--almost 10 days--invading Grandma and Grandpa's house!! We watched movies, baked Christmas cookies, went shopping, played games (including Wii, thanks to Andy and Leah), and went sledding amidst the foot and a half of snow that fell throughout the week!! We had a blast! Here are some photos of opening presents from each other...
and of Christmas morning when Conor got his new slide from Santa. He was so excited that Santa ate the whole cookie and Rudolph finished the carrot!!

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