Thursday, March 18, 2010

Kids Say the Darnedest Things

Conor says such funny things these days, I wish I could remember them all. Here are a few of the latest:

Mommy: Conor, tell Daddy "Hasta la vista, Daddy-o"
Conor: Hasta la vista, Daddy-o (or something like that)
Daddy: Hasta la vista, Conor-o
Conor: I'm not Conor-o, I'm Conor Patrick Maguire-o!

When I cut up his meatball at dinner tonight to let it cool down quicker, he said "Mommy, I don't want it cut. Can you put it back together?"

Conor: "My tummy is hungry Mommy"
Mommy: "It is?"
Conor: "Yes, it is, and my belly is hungry too"

He is constantly asking "Why?" and a common response to a question these days is "I sure do".

Stay posted for more exciting "conorisms"

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