Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Darn it

Every night before bed, we make Conor try to go potty to hopefully avoid an overnight bed-wetting accident. Even if he just peed after dinner or before his bath, we always make him try once more right before turning off the light. When he tells me he just went and doesn't have to go, I tell him to just try pushing a few times to make sure. Within the last few weeks, he started asking how many times he should push. I would pick some arbitrary number like 3 or 7 and he would patiently count with each push. Then he started to just push one extended time while counting really fast to the assigned number. Usually he would not go, just like he said, and tell me there was no potty in there....until tonight. He told me he didn't have to go (but I knew it had been a while) so I told him to just go try. When he asked how many times, I said 12. I stayed in his room and heard him counting really fast, and when he got to about 10, I heard the pee hit the toilet water while Conor simultaneously said "Darn it"! it was a race to try to count to 12 before he actually peed. It was funnier when it happened than it is when I reread this paragraph, (maybe you had to be there) but if nothing else, I'll look back on this story and remember how much this kid cracks me up!

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