Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Another episode of...Conor-isms

Here are some more of the funny things Conor has said over the last few months...

Mom, that was fanificent!

Conor: There's a hair on my apple!
Dad: Tell Mom to get that cotton-pickin' hair off your apple.
Conor: Mom, stop pickin' hair outta my apple!

We were watching the movie Hook with Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman for one of our infamous "Family Movie Nights" and the part came on where Williams realizes that he actually is Peter Pan and starts to fly. As he raises his arms out in front of him and his feet lift off the ground, Conor gets all excited and says, " Look, Mom, he's Buzz Lightyear!"

We have been talking a lot about God being with us and our faith since Conor seems to be starting to comprehend and understand a little more and is starting to make the discussions more of a two-way conversation. One day in particular, I was talking about when times are hard or scary, and telling him we do not have to be worried or afraid because God helps us. Later that day, we were in the car listening to one of his children's music CDs--which have all been played so many times that he knows by heart which songs have scratches and how far into the song it will start to skip--when he mentioned excitedly at the time when the song usually skips, "Mom, the CD isn't skipping. That's because God helped us!"

On the way to daycare one morning, Conor said, "Mom, when I'm bigger, I don't have to pick a baby. I can just be Riley's dad."

When we were collecting money for a fundraising drive at church for the local crisis pregnancy center, we were filling a baby bottle with coins and explaining about how the money was to help people who need it and by donating it through church, we were also giving to Jesus. Conor said, "Jesus needs a lot of money."

After Conor jumped in a bunch of puddles in the grocery store parking lot, I was a bit frustrated at his soaking wet pants and shoes dripping in the car on the bags of groceries and said, "What were you thinking?" He answered honestly, "Just that it was a wet day".

Kip and Janice were babysitting one afternoon so Mom & Dad could have a matinee movie date when Mom had a vacation day from work. Conor has been really working hard at learning to read--and is doing phenomenally--and Janice was surprised when he was showing off some of his reading skills, so the following dialogue ensued.
Janice: Wow, Conor, you're a genius.
Conor: What's a genius?
Janice: That's someone who is really, really smart.
Conor: I'm smarter than a genius.

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