Monday, January 19, 2009

What we've been doing to keep warm!

Well, as our local friends know, and the rest of you have probably seen on the news, it has been extrememly cold here lately. The temperatures have been in the teens-below-zero category with wind chills as much as 30-and-40-below!! Adam and I celebrated our 6th anniversary this past weekend and as we went out to a routine dinner and a movie in our hats, scarves, mittens, and boots, I asked him, "Whose idea was it to get married in January in a cold state anyway?" He answered, "Well, yours, of course, and I love you so much I would've done anything to keep you happy!!" The other major event around here last week was Adam's return to school and Conor beginning a new daycare. He is definitely adjusting, but is doing pretty well, all things considered.
Here are some things we have done while trying to keep warm around home:
Conor found a new fun place to play...sitting in the sink and playing in the water...not a good "winter" game when your wet clothes get cold.
Conor has always enjoyed Elmo, but now suddenly remembers that he can watch Elmo movies on DVD so he is always walking up to the TV saying "Eh-mo, Eh-mo". We actually had him sitting still for a whole 30 minutes here under this blanket while we took down Christmas decorations.
Wishing for warmer weather by trying on Dad's shades and wearing shirts from Mom's North Carolina alma mater, Elon University.

Trying to build a warmer place on the new workbench Grandma and Grandpa got Conor for Christmas.
Conor is developing new skills and learning new things so quickly these days. He is recognizing more and more people (and even photos) by name. He is folding his hands and saying amen when we say it's time for nighttime prayers (and already knows the first half of the sign of the cross). He still loves to read, dance, and eat, and never sits still for long. Looking forward to warmer weather when we can play outside again.


Leah said...

I love 'em! These pictures show how much he has changed in the few weeks since we've seen him. Miss you guys like crazy! Can't wait to hopefully see you soon!!!

Connie Skala said...

Ok, so who put him in the sink in the first place??

The Maguire's said...

Well, I only set him on the counter with a snack while I got dinner ready and he found his way into the sink all by himself!!! :) He certainly likes water...when he hears the word bath, he just goes running upstairs!