Saturday, February 7, 2009

We've been sick!!

We've all been sick around here so we haven't been so good about updating the website. Conor had a horrible diaper rash, then a horrible cold, which turned into a double ear infection and a very red throat (the pediatrician said we didn't need to do a strep test since he would already be getting antibiotics for the ear infections). Despite how sick he was, and the three days of fever, he really was a trooper through it all. As he was starting to turn the corner, I got a sore throat and completely lost my voice. I spent one whole day at work basically whispering because no sound would come out (I felt bad for the transcriptionist that day!), and three more days with a scratchy voice. Conor still has a runny nose, I still have a cough, and now Adam has come down with a very sore throat, so I guess it's his turn. Hopefully by next week, we will all be back to 100%. Adam is really swamped with his classes once again. He spends every night and most of every weekend in the basement or at the library, reading and writing papers. So that's what we've been up to. I will try to post more pics soon.

1 comment:

Five Guys and a Gal said...

hope everyone is feeling better soon.