Saturday, April 18, 2009

Easter Celebrations

Well, another holiday has come and gone. Easter was a whirlwind for us. Mommy was on call all weekend and had a very busy weekend with work, but somehow we still managed to do most of the Easter festivities. Saturday afternoon, we made it to the Easter Egg hunt in town. It was mad chaos and all we got was 2 already-opened-and-emptied plastic eggs and 3 small chocolate eggs. Conor didn't seem to mind, though he did keep asking for "more chocolate??" He sat very well to get his picture taken with the Easter Bunny and he wasn't scared at all!
Later that evening, Conor helped us dye the Easter Eggs.

On Sunday, Mommy went to church super early before going in to work, so Daddy and Conor were on their own. Doesn't he look so handsome??!

After church, we went to Conor's godparents' house for dinner. Mommy was able to join everyone for the delicious meal before having to leave again for work. By the time Mommy got home, Conor was in bed. Lucky for us, the Easter Bunny was able to deliver the basket and hide the eggs at our house on Monday instead. So when we all got home on Monday, Conor found all the eggs within minutes and was again thrilled to see that there was "more chocolate!!"

That's our Easter weekend in a nutshell...or an eggshell (he he he, I know, I'm totally corny!!!)

Now that spring is gearing up, we're starting the battle of getting Conor to say "Go White Sox" or "Go Twins"...could be a confusing battle for him!!

1 comment:

Pam Martin said...

Sounds a little crazy. He is so cute and getting so big so fast. Reminds me of when I use to put Jerod in those cute little suits.