Sunday, April 19, 2009

What do you do with your Easter Eggs?

We spent Saturday afternoon making egg salad with all our pretty colored Easter Eggs. Conor was very helpful in the kitchen. He cracked all the eggs, then I peeled them. He also helped mix in the mayonnaise and dump in the celery salt. Well, that was a bad idea because he got a little carried away before I could stop him, soooo...we had to boil a few more eggs and add some more mayo to make up for the extra salt. Overall, the egg salad turned out pretty good and Conor definitely had a great time helping!!


Five Guys and a Gal said...

too cute. I bet it was extra yummy egg salad this time around due to the good help! hope all is well with you guys.

Connie Skala said...

This is sooooo cute. Can't wait to see you guys in 3 weeks!!!
Love you