Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Hot Hot Hot

Yesterday, when we got home, we had no power. Bad problem when it was almost 100 degrees outside. Lucky for us, the plan was to get in the new pool anyway. By the time we made it inside for a late dinner and bedtime a couple hours later, the AC was back on. (Good thing, I was trying to figure out how we could both camp out in the basement!)

Lucky for all of you, we promised Daddy we would update the website more frequently while he is gone. Here are the promised pics of the sprinkler from the last post.

We spoke to Daddy today...other than a one minute phone call to say he arrived safely on Saturday, today was the first opportunity he had to email as well as call us! It was great to hear his voice, and though we could tell he misses us, it certainly sounds like he is having a great time. They have already done so much in the past few days, and have weekend excursions planned for the next three weekends. This weekend, they will be heading to Belfast.

We are holding our own here. I find that Conor is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to Daddy being gone. It seems to be most affecting his sleep...difficulty calming down and falling asleep at bedtime, waking up in the middle of the night, and skipping naps. Pretty soon it has to get better simply for the fact that he must be so tired! Also, the near-100-degree temps and itchy heat rash are probably not helping much either. Every night, we watch some videos that Daddy made before he left of him singing songs and reading stories. Conor loves that part of the bedtime routine!


Leah said...

Yeah, love it that this set of pictures include both presents we bought him for his bday last year! :-)

Does he ride the 4 wheeler? The elmo sprinkler looks fun!!!

Five Guys and a Gal said...

Looks like you're finding ways to stay cool. Hope you are surviving without daddy.

Carrie said...

Ok girlie..... no complaining about the heat until you are 7 months pregnant in Georgia and your AC breaks like ours did last week.... THEN you can complain! Praying for you guys... I know how hard it is to be without Daddy, though not for that long. When Jack was in Ethiopia last fall we had no contact at all which was hard for all of us!