Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Comedy

A week and a half ago brought our first snow of the season. Unfortunately I was on call and schedule conflicts and recent plummeting temperatures have not permitted us to get outside to go sledding our make our snowman yet.

When I was driving to the hospital that first Saturday morning, I almost got into an accident because of the slick roads and told Adam about it when I got home. Conor asked what I was talking about and I said that I almost got smooshed. He said he was happy that I didn't get smooshed. A few days later, out of nowhere, he said, "Mom, I'm really happy you didn't get smooshed."

When we were in MN for Thanksgiving, Conor overhead Laura talking about a recent trip she took. She said, "When I was in Indiana..." and he interrupted, "Why were you an Indian?"

When we were pulling out the Christmas decorations, Conor was so excited to help. He would reach into the box and pull out a Santa, or snowman, or wreath, and say "Ooooh, look at this one"!! Talk about the magic of Christmas. He put on our Santa hat and danced around the house singing Jingle Bells, Frosty, and Rudolph at the top of his lungs. When he pulled out the stockings, he said, "When it's Christmas, Santa will fill them with wonderful treats."

Sometimes his mispronunciations are so cute I don't want to correct them yet:
candy canes=candy cames
robbers=rogers (I was trying to explain the bad guys in the movie Home Alone)

I think I've written this before, but he said it again: "These marshmallows are so marshy."

When we do try to correct something that he pronounces wrong, we usually try to say it slowly and have him repeat it syllable by syllable. So now if he wants to make a point or try to explain something, and we don't hear him or don't understand him, he will try to do the same thing. He was telling me that the two things he is going to ask Santa for are 1) the Barney Christmas movie he saw at Target, and 2) a present snowman. When I asked what he meant by present snowman, he said, "Mom, say this: Preh (I say "preh") - Zent (I say "zent") Snow (I say "snow") - Man (I say "man")". When I said, "Yes, but what does that mean?" He said, "Mom, it means a present snowman." We, I mean Santa, may need to get some more clues about that one.

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