Sunday, September 22, 2013

T-Ball 2013

Conor played t-ball for the first time this year. It was funny to watch the 4 and 5 year olds chase after the ball like amoebas and forget to drop the bat and run to first base after they hit it, but Conor really loved it. He especially liked to play first base and really got a sense of pride from his accomplishments. We were lucky to have Grandma and Grandpa able to come watch most of the games and Laura made it a couple times too. Conor was happy to have a cheering section each week.

Riley liked to cheer him on, eat sunflower seeds, and play catch with her own princess ball and glove between innings.

Action shots...

Riley also liked to spend some time at the park before games while Conor practiced with his team or afterwards.

Proud to show of his end of the year ribbon...he can't wait for next year!

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