Friday, February 8, 2013

Preparing for Christmas

Some of the fun things we did the weekend before Christmas to prepare our homes and hearts for the special day...

We made some nativity scene and snowman craft ornaments...
Conor made lots of arts and crafts ornaments with paper, ribbons, glue and scissors...
...and wrapped them for friends and family.
 We started a new tradition of baking gingerbread cookies (like Adam's grandma used to make)...
...and while they baked, we ate popcorn and watched a Christmas movie...
...finished decorating the cookies...

We wore fun Christmas-y clothes. Conor even picked one red sock and one green sock. I love that he loves Christmas as much as me!
Conor made a gingerbread house at school...with special guest Aunt Laura!
We cheered the Vikings on to victory
and we danced and sang to Christmas music as much as we could.

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