Monday, February 18, 2013

The funny things we hear

Some of Riley's latest funny pronounciations:
Pix:  Fix
Mustard:  Mustache
Walk-clock: Washcloth
Aura:  Aurora (the princess in Sleeping Beauty)
Jam-mint: Jasmine (the princess in Aladdin)
BAY-ul...with a nice southern twang!: Belle (the princess in Beauty and the Beast)
All of America (or Olive America?): Mall of America
Valentimes: Valentine's
Ed-a-mems: M&Ms...her treat for potty training which she is mastering very quickly!! Hooray!

We were at an event recently where Conor and Adam were in the men's bathroom later in the evening with some intoxicated young men who entered the room with no regard to who was in there (a 5-year old boy and his dad). They were cursing up a storm and acting very inappropriate, dropping the F-bomb and one said he had to go the bathroom so bad he almost s*#@ his pants. Trying to handle the situation right away, once they left, Adam spoke to Conor about how we don't speak that way or use the words they were using.
Adam said, "We don't say those words."
Conor said, "What words, Dad? Like shift?"
At this point, Adam was a little confused. "Huh?
Conor, "You mean I shouldn't say shift my pants?"
Trying to keep a straight face, Adam responded, "That's right, we don't say shift my pants?"

We were discussing the birthdays in our family, and Conor had gotten them all right, when we got to Adam's. Still correct, he answered July 17th. Adam tried to stump Conor, so he said, "Do you know what year?" Since we had been discussing upcoming birthdays, Conor confidently answered, "2013"...then realizing Adam was trying to stump him, quickly added, "Wait, I mean, every year!" Smart kid :)

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