Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Day 7 -- Friday, May 31

We made it to our final destination, the farthest south we would travel on this trip. We visited Jake, Diane, Mackenzie, Trevor and Rider and were able to spend some time in their pool and hanging out in their yard, a nice way to spend a warm Texas day.

 In the evening, when it "cooled off" we changed clothes and headed over to the high school football field to attend Kenzie's high school graduation. Little did we know how much their family had embraced the Texas lifestyle until they all donned their jeans, cowboy hats, and boots to wear to the ceremony. So fun!


 Parents and the graduate

The whole family

Our family with the graduate

Riley and Ryder

Riley, Ryder, and Conor

Brothers in cowboy hats
 ...and without hats!

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