Sunday, August 11, 2013

Spring silliness

Time for a little catch-up....takes some time to download and choose the best pics, so be patient....not sure I have many followers anymore anyway :)

Then we were getting out the decorations for St. Patrick's Day and the kids tried to wear as many of them as they could fit. They'll hate me for these someday...especially Conor.
Here is our St. Patrick's day lunch

Cleaning out some old items from storage and we found some of the hospital baby hats that I had saved from when Riley was born, she knew they were rightfully hers, so she wanted to wear them again...I guess she's grown from those 8 lb 12 oz days!

At school, Conor celebrated Dr. Seuss's birthday by making a Cat in the Hat hat.

Smiley Riley, goofy girl.

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