Saturday, August 27, 2011

Just To Make You Laugh

Whenever Conor says something cute or funny, I try to grab a piece of scrap paper or--my dad's favorite ;) --a post-it note to write it down, then I put the random papers in a pile, which usually ends up buried somewhere until one of my late-night clean and purge sessions when I find the pile and update the blog with a whole stack of Conor stories! I hope my notes are good enough to help me remember, some of these are quite old (like months ago). It's about that time again...

We were listening to a new nursery rhyme CD in the car and I wasn't paying much attention to it, but was aware enough to know it was "Jack and Jill". I didn't think much of it since the kids were listening and dancing in their car seats quietly. But once the song was over Conor said "I hope Jack doesn't have to go to the hospital!" I said, "What are you talking about?" He said, "You know, because he got hurt when he fell down."

Grandpa was joking around about wearing Conor's shoes one day and Conor turned to the rest of us and said, "If Grandpa was a little kid, he could wear them, but he's a big kid." (I wonder if he knows how true that really is.) :)

Adam has been doing a great job of getting himself back into shape and is trying to teach Conor the importance of exercise and healthy choices. So one day they were doing a short kids exercise video on TV and Adam said, "Thanks for working out with me," to which Conor responded, "It was no problem."

We were making a snack with celery one evening and Conor wasn't so sure about it. He has disliked it in the past, but this time we tried it with peanut butter. That must be the trick to get him to eat it because he announced: "I can't even smell the taste of it!"

One day we were talking about Adam's previous life and job in the military and Conor said, "Was I born when you were in the Army?" Adam said, "No sir." So Conor figured, "It was a very long time ago then?"

I was messing with Conor, plugging his nose and making honking sounds and he said, "Stop it. That makes me unsmell stuff."

I couldn't figure out what song he wanted me to sing before bed one night when he adamantly and repeatedly requested "This Is My Light". I had never sung anything called that before, so I had to rack my brain of my lullaby repertoire and realized he wanted me to sing "This Little Light of Mine."

While watching baseball one day, Conor informed me that "they usually wear baseball gloves so they don't have to wash their hands when they get dirty."

I was playing with the kids when Riley came up to me and I said "Hi Sweet Pea."
Conor repeated "Hi Sweet Pea."
Me: "Hey, that's what I call her. What should your nickname be?"
Conor: "Sweetie Dee."
Me: "Ok, hi, Sweetie Dee. What are you doing?"
Conor: "Don't call me my nickname right now."

We had spaghetti and meatballs for dinner and the meatballs were so big that we cut them into smaller pieces on Conor's plate but the sizes were a bit uneven. He had a medium sized one and two smaller ones and I commented how that could be like a Mommy meatball and a Conor meatball and a Riley meatball. Conor giggled, so I asked him, "But where's the Daddy meatball?"
He answered, "I don't know. I guess he's gotta go to work."

Some of our favorite mispronunciations:
exercise = extercise
remember = renember
spectacular = spintacular

Hope you got a few laughs. Bed time for me now. I will finish cleaning up the rest of those piles tomorrow.

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