Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Found some more loose scraps of paper with funny kid stories on them...

We were watching a video online or on TV, I think it was a U2 song, and Conor announced: "This is just like Barney Live". ....yep, pretty similar bud. ha ha

Conor is very smart and has been told this by several teachers and adult friends (you may have read the comments months ago about him being smarter than a genius??). We have been trying to teach him about humility...a work in progress...and one day he told me, "Mom, I know everything." I said, "Oh yeah? Then at what temperature does water boil?" He answered confidently, "HOT!"

One day we were playing restaurant and when I "finished my meal", the gracious host/waiter, Conor, said: "Thanks! Come back again someday...or go to a different restaurant."

Eating dinner with my parents one kid, Conor was being kind of pokey (not unusual for him). He was also being picky and said he didn't want the chicken (which he normally likes). Riley was eating great (as usual) and so Grandpa tried to motivate Conor by saying how well Riley was eating and that she was going to grow big and strong and tall, even bigger and stronger and taller than Conor, because she was eating her chicken. Conor thought about it and continued to slowly pick at his food. About 5 minutes later, he noticed that Grandpa was almost done with his chicken and looked straight at him and said, "Wow, you're really gonna grow!"

One day Conor was sitting on the steps and I kind of leaned over him and kissed and hugged him and said, "You're a really good kid, Conor, you know that? And you're really smart." His reply: "And you are really squishing me."

Conor: That was kind of a familiar thing.
Dad (because it didn't make sense in context): What do you mean by familiar?
Conor: You know, like strange or weird.
Dad: Ohhhh. Do you mean peculiar?
Conor: Yeah, yeah. Peculiar.

Riley has a t-shirt that says MY MOMMY IS FABULOUS. She knows what is says and is happy to tell you: MY MOMMY IS FLAB-A-LESS! 

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