Monday, April 16, 2012

Conor's Doctor Appointment

Conor has had a weird abnormally growing thumbnail for the last 6-8 months, which I thought would grow out on it's own, but it has seemingly gotten worse so we took him in to the pediatric dermatologist for evaluation. He got to wear a gown and get an x-ray and was quite a brave kid through this new experience, especially at the big overwhelming University of Minnesota hospital where we had to go for our appointment

In the radiology area, they had all kinds of kid's radiology toys, like this mini pretend CT scan machine. Cool!

They were unable to tell exactly what was wrong with his nail, so we are going to keep an eye on it for a while longer. If it persists or worsens, we can take him in for a biopsy, but it is not bothersome enough yet to do an invasive procedure like that. Hopefully, it will simply grow out back to a normal nail.

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