Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Easter morning

On Easter morning, I tried to get up early and get ready before the kids woke up, but Conor woke up bright and early while I was in the shower. He normally comes into my room to snuggle for a little while, or sits and chats with me in the bathroom, or goes back into his room after he pees in the morning, but this morning was different. He didn't come find me or go pee first thing. Instead, he ran straight upstairs and came bursting into the bathroom yelling, "Mom,  Mom, I found your egg on the stairs" (the one we had written "Mom" on while dying the eggs). I told him to go wake up Daddy and wait for the rest of us before finding any more eggs and he said ok, then came back a minute later and said, "Mom, Mom, I found 2 more eggs" and described exactly where he had seen them. I asked if he woke up Daddy and he said, "Yeah, he said he was getting up" but when I went into our room, I'm not sure how hard Conor had really tried to wake Adam. So I grabbed some clothes and we went upstairs to wake Riley...who wasn't quite ready to be awoken yet, I don't think. Once we reminded her about hidden eggs and baskets and candy, she woke up but was a little slower start than Conor. Once we got everyone awake, we headed downstairs to start the hunt. The kids had great fun finding the eggs, especially Conor. In fact, he had so much fun he decided to hide one himself...and didn't tell us until just yesterday--2 weeks later!! He opened the hutch cabinet and said, "Hey you guys never found the egg I hid in here" and proceeded to pull out one of the dark blue dyed eggs. That's right, of course it couldn't have been one of the plastic eggs. Smelled ok, looked ok, but not sure how much longer it would have stayed that way. Anybody know how long before a hard boiled egg starts to rot?

All dressed up for church showing off our full Easter baskets

Family Photo

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