Saturday, April 28, 2012

Our Little Riley Claire

Happy Birthday Riley!! Our sweet daughter turned 2 on April 14 and truly enjoyed her day and certainly knew it was all about her. When we asked her what made it a special day, she kept saying "Birthday Happy" really loud and was proud to announce and hold up 2 fingers stating her new age!

Riley is really coming into a personality all her own. She is much more outgoing and boisterous than Conor, who is a little more shy and reserved (at least at first). She is so friendly and welcoming, and loves to talk and sing and dance. She knows many songs by heart and isn't afraid to belt them out as if in concert. She will certainly keep us on our toes. She knows what she wants and often tries to do whatever she can to get it. She loves to hear stories and identify pictures in books. She likes to narrate her day and point out new things she sees. She loves to have clean organized spaces around her...she immediately wipes up spilled milk or food, throws wrappers and kleenexes in the garbage without being told, points out crumbs on the floor or stains on her clothes. She is very good at picking up her toys and games after being told only once. She can eat like a champ when she wants to---often shoving 3 or 4 bites worth of food into one mouthful if she's hungry enough. She is a great balance of girly and tomboy--she likes shoes, sunglasses, purses and baby dolls, but also enjoys jumping jacks, kicking and throwing balls, doesn't mind playing with action figures, and holds her own when wrestling with Daddy and her big brother.

Some shots of her in the last few months.....
Here is one of her first days in two big girl pigtails.
Riding the wooden rocking horse she enjoys so much.
She has been getting very picky about what she wears lately...or at least wants to get dressed in her own way and in her own time frame. This day, she saw Conor's underwear on the floor and wanted to wear them she did!
Riley is well known around here for wanted her toes to be sock fuzz between the toes of this little girl ever stays there for very long. Can we say OCD?

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